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Rosa Romero

Rosa Romero

Institution: Sphere Ultrafast Photonics

Contact: rromero (at) sphere-photonics.com


Rosa Romero received her Degree and MSc in Physics from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Her experience in lasers started 15 years ago, working in nonlinear propagation and laser-matter interaction. During her PhD, at the University of Porto, she develop new optical fiber sensors and nano-devices for telecommunications. She worked in industry in the design and product development of nanosecond high power pulsed fiber lasers for 7 years. Currently she is devoted to the development of new solutions for the ultrafast laser market. She also holds an EMBA by the Porto Business School.

Keywords: ultrafast, lasers, microscopy, medical, cancer

Expertise Sought: I look forward expertise in the medical area to find synergies and applications where ultrafast laser systems can find potential impact in forthcoming applications.