Moderator: Miguel Coimbra (INESC TEC, FCUP)
Discussants: Karol Lang (UT Austin, TOF-PET project), Rui Sousa (Stemmatters, SENTINEL project), Mireille Paulin (CNES, Tele-epidemiology), Arlindo Oliveira (IST, Machine learning and pandemic monitoring)
October 21 | 2.15 p.m. (GMT+1) / 8.15 a.m. (CDT)
Last year COVID-19 taught us a lot about interdisciplinarity. The combat against the pandemic summoned experts from different fields (from epidemiologists to virologists, immunologists, healthcare workers, economists, sociologists, psychologists, and policy-makers) to a battlefield where consensus was sometimes absent. Is this a failure of interdisciplinarity?
Moderated by Miguel Coimbra, coordinator of INESC TEC’s TEC4Health, this roundtable will provide an opportunity to analyze Health as an open space for interdisciplinary research and collaboration, i.e., one that is substantially reliant on the intersection of various disciplines and paradigms to solve challenges. What does it take to make the most of different perspectives and angles, however much they diverge, to advance medical science and medical health? How do we bring together experts pertaining to different areas without them getting lost in translation?
We will look into these topics and others with the help of thought leaders from Portugal, UT Austin and France. The discussion will be preceded by presentations of health-related projects and initiatives spanning several knowledge fields, from Machine Learning to Nanotechnology, Physics and Earth Observation.
Find out more about the UT Austin Portugal projects highlighted in this Roundtable: