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Pedro Medeiros

Pedro Medeiros
Associate Professor

Institution: Dep. Informática Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Contact: pdm (at) fct.unl.pt


I’m an associate professor of the Informatics Department of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where I teach Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Computer Networks and HPC. My main research interests are related to the application oh High Performance Computing to Science and Engineering Problems, namely the development of environments for easing the use of parallel heterogeneous architectures (including GPU) by non-specialists in HPC. Current case studies are in Materials Science (processing of 3D images) and Optimization (parallelization of derivative-free optimization algorithms).

Keywords: Heterogeneous Computing, GPU, Computational Science and Engineering, Algorithm Parallelization, 3D Image Processing

Expertise Sought: I’m open to collaborations in the area of application of parallel architectures to problem solving in all areas of knowledge. Getting more user cases allows the assessment of the. environments developed; in this process the team can also help non-experts in HPC to efficiently explore the hardware and software available.