Cláudia Lopes

Cláudia Lopes

Institution: University of Minho

Contact: claudialopes (at) /áudia-lopes-51a4497a


Cláudia Lopes is a PhD researcher in Physics, working in Materials Science R&D since 2011, developing and optimizing nanostructured thin films (by PVD processes), especially in the field of material's evaluation/testing for enhanced biomedical sensing applications. Currently, she is a researcher at the Center of Physics of the Universities of Minho and Porto working on dry and flexible sensors, integrated into wearables, for biomedical applications. She is also member of the NanoStim's team (UT Austin Portugal project).

Keywords: Nanomaterials, Biomedical sensing, Nanotecnology, Flexible dry-electrodes

Expertise Sought: Health care centres and companies working with biomedical devices

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